mesh Wi-Fi |
What is mesh Wi-Fi? Now a lot of us use wireless internet in our homes. And the reason we use wireless internet is because we want the freedom of accessing the internet from anywhere in our home. Whether it's in the kitchen, bedroom, or living room, Wi-Fi gives us the ability and freedom to do just that from all of our devices. However sometimes the Wi-Fi signal can be a little spotty. For example there might be areas in your home where the Wi-Fi signal is weak or it may be totally dead. Therefore you're going to have slow internet speeds or you may not even have internet access at all, and this creates a lot of frustration. Now this could be caused for several reasons. For example it could be the construction of the building that's interfering with the signal or it could be the placement of the Wi-Fi router in the home. For example if the Wi-Fi router is down here in the living room, you might have a weak signal or no signal up here in the bedroom because the further you get from the Wi-Fi router, the weaker this signal will be. So to remedy this problem a lot of times people would buy a Wi-Fi extender to extend the Wi-Fi signal. Now even though Wi-Fi extenders do work, the problem is that Wi-Fi extenders create their own Wi-Fi network with their own separate SSID. you would have to connect to the Wi-Fi router or the Wi-Fi extender's network, depending on where you are in the home. So if you're closer to the router, then you would connect to the router. Or if you're closer to the extender, then you would connect to the extender. So this can be a little extra work. Or another solution could be is to place the Wi-Fi router to a different location in the home. But this can also be an issue if the modem has to be in a certain place in your
mesh Wi-Fi |
home because of cabling issues. But even if you were to place the Wi-Fi router to a better spot, the signal still may not be strong enough to cover the entire home. But there is a better solution for this and this is by using a mesh Wi-Fi system. Mesh Wi-Fi is the latest technology to solve the issue of weak or dead spot issues with Wi-Fi. A mesh Wi-Fi system is a group of routers or Wi-Fi points that are placed in different locations inside a home and it provides a blanket of Wi-Fi coverage all throughout the home. So it does a pretty good job of eliminating weak Wi-Fi signals or dead spots in the home. A great feature of mesh Wi-Fi systems is that the Wi-Fi points communicate with each other wirelessly to create one large Wi-Fi network. So there's no cables involved when the Wi-Fi points are communicating with each other, which makes the placement of the Wi-Fi points that much easier. So for example if you wanted to set up a mesh Wi-Fi system in your home, normally you would have a modem that brings the internet into your home and then you would attach one of the mesh Wi-Fi points to the modem using an ethernet cable. And then you would place the other Wi-Fi points in different locations all throughout your home. Then once this is done, the Wi-Fi points will all talk to each other to create a seamless internet connection that covers your entire home for all your wireless devices to connect to. Now this system creates one large Wi-Fi network. So it's not like each Wi-Fi point is creating their own Wi-Fi network with its own SSID like an extender would. It's all one network with a single SSID. So if you have a wireless laptop that's connected to your mesh Wi-Fi, you can move from room to room seamlessly because as you move to different areas in your home, your laptop will always connect to the nearest Wi-Fi point. It will seamlessly disconnect from a Wi-Fi point and then reconnect to another one. So it eliminates any hassle of you manually connecting to different Wi-Fi points.
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