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Monday, September 27, 2021

what is ping command

ping command
ping command
 the ping command is a simple tool that you can use to troubleshoot networking  issues, such as network connectivity. you can use it to test if you're connected to a local  area network or if you're even connected to the internet. You can also use it to test if your  network interface card is working correctly and  it's also used to test DNS issues, such as name  resolution. So for example, let's go ahead and  ping an IP address of a host. Now this host could  be any network device, such as a computer, server,  router, or printer, whether it's on your local  area network or over the internet. But in this  example we're going to ping a server in our local  area network. So we would open up a command prompt  and then we would type the word ping along  with the IP address of the server and then press 'enter'. Then the ping utility will send out  4 data packets to the IP address of the server, then our computer will wait for a response. Then  the server will send the data packets back to us  as a reply and these replies are called echo  reply requests and these replies inform you about what's happening with the server we pinged.  So for example, if we received a reply then that  is a good sign. Then that means that there is  network connectivity between us and the server, whether that server is on your local area network  or over the internet. So 4 packets were sent and then 4 packets were received. But if we  ping the same server and this time if we didn't get a reply, then that means that the server  didn't reply back and it could mean that there is no network connectivity between our computer  and the server. Now this could be for several  
ping command
ping command
different reasons. So for example, when we ping  the server and if we get a message back that  says 'request timed out' then that could mean that  the server is powered down or it could also mean that the server is up and running but it's using  a firewall that's blocking all ping requests.Now what happens when you try and ping a host and  not all of the data packets reply back to you? So for example, when you ping a host, your computer  sends out 4 data packets. But sometimes you may only get 1, 2, or 3 packets back instead of the 4  that you sent out. Well this is called packet loss and packet loss can occur for several reasons.  It could mean that there's network congestion. If there is a lot of traffic on a network and the  network can't handle all that extra traffic, then the data packets will get dropped. Or it  could also happen because of faulty hardware, such as bad cables or bad wiring. Or it could  be a bad network card, or bad connections, or it could be a bad modem, which is exactly  what happened to me in my case. A few years  ago where I was constantly lagging in just  about everything I did on the internet. So I did a continuous ping test and I was dropping at  least one third of my packets fairly consistently. So I determined that it had to be my modem.  So had it replaced and it solved the problem. Or in another scenario, if we wanted to ping a  remote server on the internet and if we got a message that says 'destination host unreachable'  then that means that a route to the destination cannot be found. So it could mean that a router  doesn't have any information on how to route data to the destination or it could also mean that the  remote server is down or disconnected from the network. Or it could also mean that your computer  is not connected to a network. So let's use the ping command in a typical scenario. So suppose  someone tells me that they don't have an internet connection because they can't access any web pages  with their computer, which is a pretty common issue. So the first thing I do is that I would sit  at their computer and use the ping utility to see 
ping command
ping command
if in fact they are not connected to the internet.  So even before I check their modem, or router, or any cable connections, the first thing I do  is do a simple ping test. So I would open up a command prompt and see if I can ping a website,  such as yahoo.com. Now notice in this method I'm actually pinging the domain name yahoo.com and  not its IP address. Because by doing it this way,  I'm also testing name resolution issues related to  DNS, and also besides that, I don't have yahoo's IP address memorized. So by pinging yahoo.com,  and if the ping is successful, then I know that  we are connected to the internet because when  I got a successful reply from yahoo.com. Then I automatically know that all of my hardware,  such as my cables, the network card, the router, and the modem, are all working correctly,  including my internet service provider. So now I know that the reason that this computer can't  bring up web pages is related to software and  not hardware. So the problem is most likely with  their internet browser or it's a firewall issue.  So by doing a ping test first, it saved me a  lot of time because I bypassed the hassle of  looking around for the modem, or the router,  or looking at LEDs, or checking the cables,  
ping command
ping command
or looking behind the computer to see if a network  cable is plugged into my network card. I simply sat down and did a simple ping test. So really  the only time you need to check your hardware  is if the ping was not successful. However even  before you start checking hardware, you can also  use the ping command to check other things such as  testing if your network interface card is working  correctly, and this is called a loopback test. A  loopback test will send out signals back to your  computer for testing purposes. So at a command  prompt I would type ping and then the loopback  IP address which is or you can simply  type 'ping localhost' which does the same thing. And if the ping was successful then you can  be assured that your network card is working  properly. But if the loopback test failed then  there's a problem with your network card. Now  the ping command can also be used to test DNS name  resolution issues and if you're not familiar with  what DNS does, please watch my DNS video on my  youtube channel. But in a nutshell, DNS is what  resolves domain names to IP addresses. So as you  recall earlier I did a ping test by pinging the  domain name 'yahoo.com' instead of its IP address.  And as I said before, if the ping was successful  then that means that all of my hardware is working  correctly. But in addition it also verifies that  
ping command
ping command
DNS is working correctly. So as you can see, DNS  successfully resolved and found the IP address for yahoo.com. But if we pinged yahoo.com and  we got a message that says 'ping request could not find host yahoo.com. Please check the name and  try again' then this could be a DNS issue because  our computer could not resolve the domain name to  an IP address. So the next thing to do is to try  and ping the IP address instead and that's if you  already knew what the IP address was already. Or  if you don't, like most of us don't already, you  can type in an easy IP address to remember, such  as Google's DNS IP address, which is and  if the ping was successful this time then this  confirms it's a DNS issue, because the computer can  ping IP addresses but it can't ping domain names. So to solve this you can try a few things. You can  try flushing your DNS by typing 'ipconfig /flushdns' at a  command prompt or you may want to check your DNS  settings on your network card configuration and  it could also be a problem with the DNS servers  themselves or it could be a problem with your  internet service provider. And finally the ping  command can also be combined with other sub  commands called 'switches'. And switches are used to alter the parameters of the ping utility and you  can view a full list of these switches by typing  'ping /?' 

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